November 30, 2023
7 Ways to Develop Secondary Characters
By Samantha GarnerMany authors do a good job at developing their protagonist or POV characters. After all, readers will be in these characters’ heads throughout an entire book. But as many readers can attest to, sometimes ...
October 04, 2023
Tips for Writing in a Hybrid Genre
By Samantha GarnerHybrid genres are on the rise, but many writers feel unsure about how to manage expectations of the different genres while writing, and how to market their finished product. As a reader and a writer, ...
August 28, 2023
How Much Do Book Tropes and Aesthetics Matter?
By Samantha GarnerIf you’ve spent time on Twitter or Instagram recently, you may have noticed authors and readers sharing graphics that outline a book’s major tropes, or the aesthetics of a book through mood boards.I’ll ...
July 31, 2023
Managing a Writing Career and Mental Illness
By Samantha GarnerAs someone who's dealt with chronic depression and anxiety for most of my life, I know how difficult it can be to balance mental illness and writing. Sometimes, the thought of working on my latest book ...
June 26, 2023
In Praise of the Sensitivity Reader
By Samantha GarnerHave considered working with a sensitivity reader? If you’re on the fence—or if you have no idea what a sensitivity reader is—read on! What is a sensitivity reader? A sensitivity reader is a professional ...
May 30, 2023
Feed Your Brain, Read Widely
By Samantha GarnerWriters are often advised to read within their genre to better understand it. And when it comes to readers, it can be tempting to stick to their favourite genre too⎯it’s a favourite for a reason!I'm ...
April 07, 2023
I Just Got Published - So, Why Don't I Feel Great?
By Samantha GarnerWhen I was 18, I resolved to be a published writer one day. It was something I’d dreamed of even before then. As a younger teenager I wrote simple books inspired in varying degrees by The Outsiders. ...