Lesley Krueger Writers in Residence Archives

Lesley Krueger is a novelist and screenwriter. Richard Dadd’s first cousin-in-law five times removed (if she has the genealogy right), Lesley drew on family information unknown to biographers in writing Mad Richard. The author of six books, she lives with her husband in Toronto where she’s an avid member of a women’s hockey league and a writer-mentor at the Canadian Film Centre. Find her online at LesleyKrueger.com.
June 30, 2017
Out-Takes from a Novel
Researching a novel means reading and travelling, amassing material and then cutting, cutting, cutting for focus and flow. This leaves outtakes, like the cloth left over after you’ve cut out the pieces ...
June 28, 2017
Writing for the Public, Writing for the Self
“Literature is the art of writing something that will be read twice; journalism what will be grasped at once, and they require separate techniques.”I’m still on about the long-gone British critic ...
June 27, 2017
The Gods of Promise
Speaking of Cyril Connolly. Even though he isn’t read much anymore, we still remember more than his “pram in the hall” aphorism. But are any of them true?“Whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first ...
June 26, 2017
The Pram in the Hall
There is no more sombre enemy of good art than the pram in the hall. – Cyril ConnollyMy son Gabe and his wonderful partner Anna got married on the weekend. It was a joyous wedding, a moving ceremony ...
June 24, 2017
Lincoln in the Bardo
While I admire many, many books, very seldom do I wish I’d written the one I’m reading.I wish I’d written George Saunders’s new novel, Lincoln in the Bardo, It’s his first novel, but of course ...
June 22, 2017
Walking out yesterday afternoon, being a flaneuse on the Danforth. A flanny on the Danny.At Pape, a pigeon flies down from a store awning into the path of people heading for the subway. Turning, it flies ...
June 21, 2017
Flash -- Opportunity for Writers
A post on social media: Wilfred Laurier University seeks applicants for the Edna Staebler Laurier Writer-in-Residence position on its Waterloo campus in southwestern Ontario.For ten weeks, starting in ...
June 19, 2017
Need a Trick for Writing Film Scripts?
I’ve been trying a new way to rewrite a feature film script. A bit of a trick. Steal it if you think it might be useful.A few years ago, I wrote the script on spec, basing it on a story I’d heard ...
June 16, 2017
Writers Working With Actors
Prep for the audio book: it was fun for me to Skype about my characters’ accents with narrator Pascal Langdale before the recording sessions for my new novel. Few people are interested in such arcane ...
June 14, 2017
What Did Charlotte Brontë Sound Like?
Actor Pascal Langdale was our first choice as narrator for the audio book of Mad Richard. His voice is compelling, his accent British by birth and his audition thoroughly professional. It seemed a simple ...