Teva Harrison Writers in Residence Archives

Teva Harrison is a writer and graphic artist. She is the author of the critically acclaimed graphic memoir, In-Between Days, which is based on her graphic series about living with cancer published in The Walrus. It was named one of the most anticipated books of 2016 by the Globe and Mail, which also named the author one of 16 Torontonians to Watch. She has commented on CBC Radio and in the Globe and Mail about her experience. Numerous health organizations have invited her to speak publicly on behalf of the metastatic cancer community. She lives in Toronto.
June 30, 2016
The Many Colours of Kamal Al-Solaylee
Kamal Al-Solaylee wrote an amazing book called Brown. It's essential reading and its subtitle, What Being Brown in the World Today Means (to Everyone), says why you need to read it much more concisely ...
June 28, 2016
Audio: A Walk Around Niven Lake with Craig Davidson
Submitted by Teva Harrison on June 28, 2016 - 8:11pmIn Yellowknife, in June, the sun is glorious. The light is sharp and clear and even when it fades to twilight, it never goes away. Days are long and ...
June 27, 2016
Comic: What Did Ben McNally Do When He Wasn't Selling Books?
I must have met Ben McNally weeks after moving to Canada. The details are a little fuzzy on when that was. It might have been at Harbourfront for IFOA, or maybe at Nicholas Hoare, where he was selling ...
June 26, 2016
What Thrills Amy Stuart?
As suddenly as the publication of my first book made me a writer, I started to see Amy Stuart everywhere, which was such a great stroke of luck for me.She's warm and quick and smart. She listens so ...
June 24, 2016
Working at Home: the Fine Line Between Distraction and Productivity
I have learned that it's not unusual in that I like to listen to podcasts while I draw comics. Those of us who work on things alone much of the time have tricks to feel less isolated. Music, podcasts, ...
June 21, 2016
Love Song for My Bicycle
It’s hot. Summer settles heavily on Toronto. The air is thick. It wraps itself around me like a salamander skin.Walking becomes a waking slow dream. Swimming without any of the freedom of kicking off ...
June 16, 2016
Q&A: Where Life, Art, Childhood, and Nadia Bozak Intersect
Always trust your editor, she reads your words, your inner thoughts – she knows you well. That’s why, when my editor handed me a copy of Nadia Bozak’s newest book, Thirteen Shells, (“I don’t ...
June 15, 2016
Social Media Magic, with Neil Wadhwa
I met Neil Wadhwa, who is digital marketing manager for House of Anansi Press & Groundwood Books, when my book was written, edited and it was time to release it out into the wild. Scary times for ...
June 09, 2016
A Poet, a Novelist and a Toddler Enter a Room
Do you ever wonder what it’s like to be one of those literary power couples, talent just oozing from their pores, words pouring from their pens, seemingly effortlessly? Meaghan Strimas & Nathan ...
June 08, 2016
A Few of Brian Morgan's Favourite Things
When I first showed up at The Walrus with my fussy little comics, drawn with my fidgety little markers, all Brian Morgan, art director extraordinaire, did was smile kindly. The next time I saw him, though, ...