Aisha Sasha JohnTag
November 23, 2014
With Mat Laporte and Paloma: About a Goodness (Part II)
With Mat and Paloma: About a Goodness (Part II) Fred Moten teleports into my living room during the second part of my convo with Mat and Paloma. The views expressed in the Writer-in-Residence blogs are ...
November 22, 2014
With Mat Laporte and Paloma: About a Goodness (Part I)
With Mat Laporte and Paloma: About a Goodness (Part I) On Halloween afternoon 2014, Mat Laporte and Paloma came to my house, sat on my daybed, and we laughed so loud, fair listeners, that this podcast ...
November 20, 2014
With Evan Munday: The Great Unpacking (Part III)
With Evan Munday: The Great Unpacking (Part III)In the third and final installment of my conversation with Evan, we find out what the deal is with him wearing ties all the time, as well as discover how ...
November 19, 2014
With Evan: The Great Unpacking (Part II)
With Evan Munday: The Great Unpacking (Part II)In the second part of my chat with Evan Munday, we consider the politics of niceness The views expressed in the Writer-in-Residence blogs are those held ...
November 08, 2014
A Terribly Inexpensive Friend
If you buy a second-hand book, it has a price and some degree of wear. This book was 48 cents.Many books, second-hand books, are crusty. That’s how come some people won’t buy them. People eat pizza ...
October 19, 2014
On Writing, with Aisha Sasha John
Aisha Sasha John, our November 2014 writer-in-residence, has been called "a poet of centrifugal energy, of reverberant intimacy" (Michael Nardone).She's back this spring with her second book, the follow ...