Kid LitTag
September 29, 2017
Chatting With Editors Who Make It Happen - Part One
Welcome to autumn and the return of my Kid Can lit blog! Because to me, September is a time to look forward to new beginnings, especially new writing projects, I decided to chat with some of the amazing ...
May 19, 2017
Kid Lit Can: Personal "Firsts" In Kid Lit, Part Two
Welcome back to my conversation with five amazing authors about their “firsts” in children’s publishing.Just to catch you up: Naseem Hrab is pleased to have her first picture book published; Suzanne ...
May 18, 2016
Kid Lit Can, with Susan Hughes: The Magic, The Wonder - Chatting with YA Fantasy Authors (Part 2)
Today, I continue my conversation about writing fantasy with these four amazingly talented and experienced YA authors: Lena Coakley, Alyxander Harvey, Nicole Luiken, and Arthur Slade. Please feel free ...
February 08, 2016
Kid Lit Can, with Susan Hughes: Sex, and Drugs, and Rock and Roll: Writing Edgy YA (Part 1)
Drugs, gambling, sexual harassment, suicide, sexual abuse, physical abuse, cutting, death, sex, drugs, body image issues, bullying, STDs, abduction...between them, YA authors C.K. Kelly Martin, Don Aker ...
May 13, 2013
Kid Lit Can, with Susan Hughes: Do I Have To Trick You Into Reading This?
Why the title? Confession: I love poetry, but I worry about it. I worry that people don't want to know about it, or read it. I worry that published Canadian poetry for kids is on the decline.Sure, poetry ...
March 26, 2013
Kid Lit Can, with Susan Hughes: Classic Canadian Children's Books, Old and New (Part Two)
Welcome back to the kick-off of my monthly blog on Open Book: Toronto, which will be celebrating Canadian children's books, their creators and the kid lit biz in general!In Part One of this blog, I asked ...