Teach Me to WriteTag
September 03, 2019
"Story is Story, No Matter the Medium" Playwright & Writing Teacher Diane Flacks on Finding "the Why" of Your Writing
Diane Flacks is no stranger to posing provocative questions in her work as a playwright. Her newest play, Unholy (Playwrights Canada Press), delves into a big one: Should women abandon religion? In ...
May 15, 2018
Daniel Scott Tysdal & Priscila Uppal on the Strange Magic of Teaching Creative Writing
How best to teach creative writing? It's a question that inspires strong opinions amongst writers, students, and instructors. Many writers acknowledge professors and mentors as instrumental in their success ...
March 20, 2018
New Series! The Fruitful City Author Helena Moncrieff Talks about the Art & Science of Teaching Writing
Helena Moncrieff's The Fruitful City: The Enduring Power of the Urban Food Forest (ECW Press) delves into issues of urban food through the lens of an overlooked city food source: our fruit trees. Once ...