Women WritersTag
September 30, 2021
"Stories Find Those Who Believe in Them" Welcoming Our October Writer-in-Residence, Acclaimed Novelist Yejide Kilanko
Yejide Kilanko's new novel A Good Name (Guernica Editions) tells the complex story of a tumultuous marriage. Frustrated after twelve unfulfilling years in America, Eziafa returns home to Nigeria to ...
September 22, 2021
"I Learned How to be Human from Writing This Novel" Nic Brewer on Her Unforgettable and Fantastical Debut Novel, Suture
Nic Brewer's hotly anticipated debut novel, Suture (Book*hug Press), asks pointed questions about the cost of art—on artists, on their loved ones, and more—through fantastical storytelling that pushes ...
March 01, 2021
Contest: Travel to the East Coast with Anansi's Atlantic Fiction Prize Pack
No one quite knows why the East Coast consistently turns out so many great writers in Canada. Maybe it's the longstanding culture of storytelling, the inspiring landscapes, or just something in the water.Whatever ...
September 12, 2019
Contest! Enter to Win Fierce Ontario Femme Reads from The Word on the Street!
Toronto's most unique literary festival, The Word on the Street, is just around the corner - if you're a book lover, you'll want to be part of the crowds gathered at the Harbourfront Centre on September ...
July 08, 2019
Contest! Enter to Win Wolsak & Wynn's Powerful Women Prize Pack!
Indie powerhouse press Wolsak & Wynn has a an amazing group of powerful women writers in their Spring 2019 season, and they're kindly offering to share the wealth. You can enter for a chance to win ...