Alexis von KonigslowTag
September 30, 2015
Writing Through Life Change
I used to think that writing was an all-alone endeavor: I thought that all you need is a laptop and some time. I don’t know why I thought that. It’s not true, it turns out. I’ve had help. This help ...
September 29, 2015
The musicality of language – an interview with David Arcus
We learn so much from each other, particularly from other artists.This month, I’ve been thinking a lot about rhythm, and what rhythm does to story. It’s so important, and it’s not a static thing ...
September 27, 2015
"You shall go through it all."
I wish that I could say that I’ve spent the month reading and re-reading Virginia Woolf novels, but I haven’t. It’s been a month to make you reel, and I’ve been reeling through it, through work, ...
September 26, 2015
Welcome to the Non-Literal World
Recently, when I was in the park with my son, he found me a stone (as he often does). He presented it to me. We’re in the finding and naming stuff stage, so I told him, “stone.” He said, “No. ...
September 24, 2015
I got my M.D. on an internet forum
I have a certain amount of scientific literacy, and I like to puzzle things out; I’m not afraid of new notation or difficult terms. In other words, I’ll wade right into the technical stuff. Usually, ...
September 21, 2015
A Love Letter to the Tpl and to Ya Fiction – and an Interview with Cameron Ray
If you've been reading along, you'll know I’ve been really interested in literature’s ability to help people to change, and the literature that I always felt changed me most was what I read when I ...
September 20, 2015
Neuroscience and Literature – an Interview with Dr. Marissa Maheu in Which I Don’t Know What I’m Talking About
Okay first, I want to say that I try. I do! I will freely admit that I have no idea what I’m talking about here, so this post is a half-formed thing (ha!) in which I’m trying to figure stuff out.In ...
September 18, 2015
Storytelling in the Sciences: an Interview with Dr. Gwen Healey
When I decided that I was going to look into the link between science and storytelling, the first person that I contacted was Dr. Gwen Healey. She’s very connected to her Arctic community, and her community ...
September 16, 2015
Daydreaming During the Sixth Mass Extinction: a Conversation with Chris Szego of Bakka Phoenix Books
The most horrifying things that I’ve been reading lately haven’t been horror fiction, but non-fiction. I’ve been reading about climate change that’s accelerating faster than anticipated, potential ...
September 14, 2015
I’D Prefer to Describe My Recent past Using the Genre of Horror Fiction
The above title probably makes it sound like I’ve been unhappy, but that isn’t at all the case. I’ve been through a major life change, though, and it’s hard to describe what that has felt like. ...