November 18, 2021
CBC Books Announces the 5 Finalists for the 2021 Poetry Award, Chosen from Thousands of Submissions
Today, five writers have been shortlisted for the 2021 CBC Poetry Prize. The prize, which has been awarded since 1979 and is one of the most prestigious and richest awards in the country for a single ...
September 22, 2021
CBC Nonfiction Prize Shortlist Features a Wide-Ranging Mix of Pieces Exploring Grief, Loss, Humour, and Identity
This year's CBC Nonfiction Prize shortlist is a treasure trove for nonfiction lovers. As creative nonfiction continues to evolve as a genre, with personal storytelling becoming more and more popular with ...
April 29, 2021
BC Novelist Corinna Chong Wins CBC Short Story Award for "Kids in Kindergarten"
This morning, CBC Books announced the winner of their juggernaut annual short story prize, which carries a $6,000 prize purse and has helped propel a number of CanLit favourites forward, including past ...
April 22, 2021
CBC Short Story Prize 5-Writer Shortlist Announced, Including a Second Shortlist Appearance for Brooks McMullin
This morning, CBC Books announced the narrowing of their 33-writer longlist to the final five writers contending for the coveted CBC Short Story Prize. Three nominees from Ontario, one from Saskatchewan, ...
April 14, 2021
CBC Books Announces 33 Writers Longlisted for the 2021 CBC Short Story Prize
This morning, CBC Books announced the 33-name longlist for their prestigious CBC Short Story Prize. One of the biggest short fiction awards in the country, and arguably the biggest open to any writer ...
March 11, 2021
Devery Jacobs Captures the Canada Reads Crown for Joshua Whitehead's Acclaimed Novel, Johnny Appleseed
Day One of CBC Canada Reads this year saw Jessica J. Lee's Two Trees Make a Forest, defended by singer-songwriter Scott Helman, voted off. On Day Two, it was The Midnight Bargain by C.L. Polk, ...
March 09, 2021
CBC Canada Reads 2021: Two Down, Two to Go (Spoilers)
*This post contains spoilers about which books were voted off Canada Reads on days one and two*After a lively first day in which (final spoiler alert!) Jessica J. Lee's Two Trees Make a Forest was voted ...
March 08, 2021
"I Was Completely Transported by Every Sentence" The CBC Canada Reads Panellists on Their Debate Strategies & Their Love for Their Chosen Books
Everyone's favourite literary smackdown returns today through Thursday: the 2021 edition of CBC Canada Reads will bring the same fiery debates from passionate panellists championing their chosen book ...
January 14, 2021
CBC Books Announces The Five 2021 Canada Reads Books & Their Champions
Today CBC Books announced the final selections for the 2021 edition of Canada Reads, the debate show where five books are pitted against one another and one is voted off each day, Survivor-style, until ...
January 07, 2021
CBC Announces 2021 Canada Reads Longlist, with Lots of Love for Small Presses
CBC's annual book showdown, Canada Reads, returns in 2021, and yesterday book lovers got a glimpse at the potential contenders. The eclectic longlist, containing 15 titles, will be whittled down to five ...