Poetry as PerformanceTag
February 28, 2019
Poetry School: Dana Gioia on the matter of poetry
Twenty-eight years ago US poet Dana Gioia’s essay “Can Poetry Matter?” was published in the Atlantic, sparking “a firestorm of debate and discussion” over the role of the poet in contemporary ...
April 04, 2017
A How-To Guide for Your Poetry Reading
There are a lot of poetry readings across Canada in April, National Poetry Month. I myself have a new book out, and therefore have a lot of poetry readings. All of which has gotten me thinking about poetry ...
April 14, 2011
A Poetry Love-In: The Poetry In Voice Recitation Finals
Someone, I think it was Robert Bly, said you feel a good poem all along your body, which probably explains the goose bumps I got when I attended the Poetry In Voice/Les voix de la poésie recitation finals ...