Humber Masterclass: Abstract Writing Workshop with Sheila Heti

Virtual Event

Toronto International Festival of Authors

Some writing workshops have very concrete things to teach you, but this workshop with author Sheila Heti will have very abstract things to teach you. Writing is an abstract science that is fundamentally made up of intensely personal rules, not rules that any teacher can impart, but rules that you yourself must make up, patiently and through trial and error. Given that, this workshop will try to impart nothing you have to throw away.

The Humber School for Writers returns to the Festival with a series of daily professional writing masterclasses led by its renowned faculty members and special guests. Each 90-minute class will be presented virtually and will focus on a specific aspect of writing craft. Sign up for one or attend them all! All writing levels are welcome.

Event Details

Start Date October 31, 2021
End DateOctober 31, 2021
Time4:00pm - 5:30pm