Writer in Residence

writing & what & why

By Jowita Bydlowska

Writing is a strange and lonely experience where you spend a lot of time in your head trying to create worlds that weave in and out of reality.

Writing is an exhilarating experience when it goes well. You are creating magic. There is no happier place than the one in your head and the loneliness is not loneliness; it is blissful solitude

You can be anybody.

A very good writer and a friend once said our books can be smarter than the writers who write them.

Writing is waiting: For other people to read what you've written, for someone to reject your book or to put an offer on your book; for an editor to get back to you (once I waited two years), for the book to go to edits, for the book to go copy edits, for it to go publishing. You also wait for launches. For interviews. For reviews. For readers to tell you they loved or hated the thing that you wrote.

I don't know why I write. It's so fucking stupid if you think about it. It's not a real job. Get a real job!

Maybe I write because sometimes I hate reality. It's not stupid. It's beautiful! It's an escape.

But above all, writing is freedom.

The views expressed in the Writer-in-Residence blogs are those held by the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Open Book.

Jowita Bydlowska was born in Warsaw, Poland, and moved to Canada as a teen. She is the author of the bestselling memoir Drunk Mom. A journalist and fiction writer, she lives in Toronto, Canada.
