July 19, 2020
Video Games as Art: A Roadmap In
Until very recently, lifelong video game enthusiasts like myself have always felt ourselves on the defensive back foot. Plagued as it was (and often still is) by sexist and racist stereotypes, painfully ...
February 03, 2017
A few minutes with ... Bassam
Throughout the month, I'll be sharing conversations between myself and authors. Our first author is Bassam. We discuss his current project, race and language. Help make "these pills don't come in my skin ...
February 23, 2017
Poetry vs Prose part 2 of 2
“But what does this have to do with poetry and prose?”What is poetry? What is prose? If the medium is the message, and the primary medium for most written poetry and prose is the page, why don't we ...
February 24, 2017
On Racism 1 of 3
This three part piece is my final for the month. I hope that I've generated debate and sparked conversation. Thank you and take care.On RacismI live in a country that not long before my birth, had an ...
February 27, 2017
On Racism 2 of 3
Part 2If silence is no longer an acceptable act, we can no longer be silent as publishing houses receive government funding while making little to no efforts to have authors who reflect the nation's diversity. ...
February 28, 2017
On Racism 3 of 3
Part 3We must speak fearlessly. Hate resonates loudly because it savagely destroys language without concern. Silence is born from the fear of offending others. But we will no longer be silent. We will ...
February 16, 2017
A series of questions
Today, instead of waking up with answers, or advice for members of the literary community, I awoke with a series of questions. I've wrestled throughout the day, wondering if a set of questions were worthy ...
February 20, 2017
A few minutes with ... Dalton Higgins
Throughout the month I have been sharing interviews with members of the literary community. Today, I have the privilege of sharing my conversation with best-selling author, journalist, speaker, publicist, ...
February 22, 2017
Poetry vs Prose part 1 of 2
”Why does Dane use words like poetry and prose yet refuse concepts like genre?”I've been accused of citing quotes unnecessarily, so I'll merely remind my readers of a very Canadian statement, “The ...
October 18, 2016
Poetic Inspiration II
This is the second in a series of posts highlighting poems that have made my synapses crackle, broadened my sense of what poems can be and do, and sparked me to stretch further in my own work. The first ...