Stacey May FowlesTag
June 29, 2016
On Being Plagiarized
Submitted by kevin on June 29, 2016 - 1:36pmAbout a month ago, I came out of a meeting to find a rather strange tweet in my mentions.Someone I had never interacted with before popped up to inform me that ...
May 31, 2016
Writing What’s Closest to Home
Last year, when I turned in the first draft of a memoir on rape trauma, my editor had a pretty reasonable observation. Despite divulging various details of violation, illness, and the path to getting ...
April 12, 2016
Why Don’t We Take Sports Writing Seriously?
In February of last year, Canadian Notes and Queries publisher Dan Wells kindly approached me with a question. “Brainstorming a games issue of CNQ,” he wrote in an email. “Wondered if you might ...