Canisia Lubrin Writers in Residence Archives

Canisia Lubrin was born in St. Lucia. She has had work published in literary journals including Room, The Puritan, This Magazine, Arc, CV2and The City Series #3: Toronto Anthology. She has been an arts administrator and community advocate for close to two decades. Lubrin has contributed to the podcast On The Line, hosted by Kate Sutherland for The Rusty Toque. She studied at York University where she won the President's Prize in poetry and the Sylvia Ellen Hirsch Memorial Award in creative writing. Lubrin holds an MFA from the University of Guelph and teaches at Humber College. She lives in Whitby, Ontario.
October 31, 2017
The Writer in the World: Coda
When I became that book all those years ago, the effects of art in my life were not definable. I only knew that I enjoyed storytelling and later I would appreciate that my relationship to story has everything ...
October 21, 2017
The Writer in the World: On Beauty and Poetry
A Conversation with an anonymous poet.For this part of The Writer in the World, I am honouring the request of a poet to keep their identity undisclosed. Canisia Lubrin: I've been asked whether the tension ...
October 18, 2017
The Writer in the World: The Mismanagement of Mystery with Vladimir Lucien
A Conversation with Vladimir LucienPoetry's so-called "resurgence" as a form of public/social capital seems to reveal today something new of the role of the artist in the world. This new thing, to me, ...
October 14, 2017
The Writer in the World: Love, Write, Resist, Heal, Part Two with Alicia Elliot
A Conversation with Alicia Elliot, Part TwoCL: To continue from where we left off: Have you considered the book-length poem? This is not to suggest book-length poems are long-winded, though. Jokes aside, ...
October 11, 2017
The Writer in the World: Love, Write, Resist, Heal, Part One with Alicia Elliot
A Conversation With Alicia Elliot: Part OneCanisia Lubrin: Many writers over time have expressed the sentiment that the writer, in order to write, is always at odds with their society. This appears, ...
October 06, 2017
The Writer in the World: Defiance, Imagination and the Future with Kaie Kellough
A Conversation with Kaie KelloughCanisia Lubrin: Many writers over time have expressed the sentiment that the writer, in order to write, is always at odds with their society. I’m keen for your insights ...
October 03, 2017
The Writer in the World: Introduction
The reader became the book; and summer night was like the conscious being of the book— Wallace StevensI became a book a long time ago. Or perhaps I am possessed by the memory of the experience of ...