May 11, 2017
The Poet Series
“I don’t like bad dialogue.” “What kind of dialogue?” “Shit that sounds like no one would actually say it.” “Like what?” “Like expository dialogue, ...
April 19, 2017
In Praise of Those Who Publish Nothing
Like many of my time zone, I spent the night of November 9th with my smartphone on the same pillow as my head, awakening every now and again to check, and get my mind around, the news. I also had very ...
January 09, 2017
Dispatches From Berlin
This is a departure for the series. Lutz Göllner lives in Berlin, Germany. We met online due to our mutual appreciation of Frank Miller's work. Lutz has met Miller and translated some of his writing ...
November 10, 2016
The Lucky Seven interview with Tom Malleson
Between the Lines Books' Fired Up series asks readers to think critically about social, cultural, and economic issues. The first instalment in the series is activist and professor Tom Malleson's Fired ...
December 08, 2016
The Proust Questionnaire, with Gianna Patriarca
Gianna Patriarca's story collection All My Fallen Angelas (Inanna Publications) spans the decades from the 60s to the present day, telling the stories of a memorable cast of Italian-Canadian women living ...
October 27, 2016
The Lucky Seven interview, with Erin Wunker
As conversations around feminism continue to evolve and gain momentum, there are still plenty of detractors and critics of the movement for gender equality. Simply being a woman with a public presence ...
September 30, 2016
The Lucky Seven Interview, with Bill Turpin
As a longtime journalist, Bill Turpin surely drew on plenty of real-life experience while writing Max's Folly (Guernica Editions). From Max's dangerous adventures while reporting in Latin America to ...
January 19, 2017
Anyone Can Write, But Not Everyone Can Be a Writer
Anyone can write, but not everyone can be a writer, in the same way that anyone with a bit of money can take music lessons or try horseback riding, but landing a record deal or competing in the World ...
November 14, 2016
The Art of the Novel: Interview with Antanas Sileika
By Bianca Lakoseljac: OB Writer in Residence The Art of the Novel: Interview with Antanas SileikaFor over two decades, Antanas Sileika’s novels and short stories have been an inspiration to me--they ...
April 25, 2018
On respectable narratives and why diversity on the page matters
Growing up, I was very particular kind of Chinese girl. I attended Chinese school on Saturdays. I took piano lessons. My report cards were always the best in my class. I played first clarinet in my school ...