October 27, 2017
How My Version of the Canlit Community Sustains Me
Two months ago, one of my best friends was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia. She is a mother. She is a prolific, brilliant writer. And she was my very first writer friend.We first met working ...
February 16, 2018
On reading politically, or why the good old days are a flat out lie
It’s a funny time in the world of words. Every morning, when I log into Twitter, people are debating freedom of expression and the politics of how we read. Some of this is just nonsense, really just ...
February 05, 2013
I Have No Idea What I'm Doing
As someone who spends a good part of their life and career on the internet, I have a sneering, love-hate relationship with memes. Many of them are misused and go off the rails, but a good one can be golden. ...
December 16, 2011
The Pros (and Sometimes Pratfalls) of Giving Your Books to the Library
In a fit of pre-Christmas cleaning I decided to donate some unwanted books to a good cause. My bookshelves were weeded out and a giant bag of donations was duly packed, ready for transportation to my ...
May 19, 2016
In January the flu raced through our house. It hitched a ride home from school on one child – one of the senior kindergarteners or the fourth grader, who can say which? – and in turn each of them ...
July 28, 2014
Still Illegitimate
In this first-person novel I’m working on now, I told myself I wouldn’t write about clothes, I wouldn’t write about vanity, I wouldn’t write about depression, and I wouldn’t write about feminism, ...
February 16, 2017
Open History - Travels and Identities: Elizabeth and Adam Shortt in Europe, 1911
Our Open History series continues with Travels and Identities: Elizabeth and Adam Shortt in Europe, 1911, by Peter E. Paul Dembski, published by Wilfred Laurier University Press. Read on after the ...
April 17, 2017
Susie Berg on Poetry Exercises
The latest poet featured in this series on poetry prompts and exercises is Susie Berg. She's the author of two full-length poetry collections from Piquant Press, including her most recent, All This Blood. ...
January 10, 2017
The Dirty Dozen, with Daphna Rabinovitch
Everybody wishes they had a friend like Daphna Rabinovitch. Just imagine being the willing guinea pig of an award-winning ex-executive pastry chef and Canadian Living's Associate Food Editor.You can ...
September 27, 2016
The WAR Interview Series: Writers as Readers with Kate Sutherland
Kate Sutherland can do it all – she's a lawyer, a scholar, a prose writer, and now she is adding poet to her list of achievements. Her debut collection, How to Draw a Rhinoceros (BookThug), is suitably ...